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Writer's pictureAnne Ferretti


This will be a short blog today as I'm working on getting The Piper published by the end of the day. DEADLINES! We need them, right?

So, what have I been up to lately?

Well, in addition to my day job and writing, I'm also looking into alternative places to publish outside of Amazon. As an Indie author I spend a ton of time marketing my stuff. If you've read my previous posts you know I am not a fan of the marketing side of self-publishing. Therefore, I won't get on my soapbox about the topic here.

Anyway, as far as publishing elsewhere, I'm in the research phase and not sure where I'll end up. There seems to be plenty of options available other than Amazon. I've even considered going the traditional route with a real publisher, but that's a whole other thing to consider and research. For now, I'll continue to self-publish. As always, suggestions are welcome.

BTW - I've deactivated my Twitter and Facebook accounts. Twitter has not been productive and my FB pages were confusing, even to me. Once I figure out how and where I'll proceed with marketing my novels, I'll create a new FB page. Until then, you can still find me on Amazon, Pinterest and Goodreads. You can also reach out to me at

Stay safe, Stay Happy!



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